Welcome to our field of dreams . . .

Flowers have the potential to support us on our journey. So, take advantage of these bright blooms and make them a part of your everyday life too... after all, flowers are not the only things that can bloom.

“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower”

Enjoy our Open-air bee-friendly blooms, it’s a natural combination.

We’re meant to BEE…

  • It all begins with an idea. It's about finding an unstoppable belief in yourself at any age.

  • Don’t waste your time doing something you hate.

    None of us are immune from challenging times.

    As we grow older we experience successes and failures. We can be encouraged, however, that struggles have the potential to make us stronger.

    By stepping out of our comfort zones, we’ll find we grow stronger.

  • Plants Don’t Set Limits for Themselves . . .

    A plant wants to grow as much as it possibly can. It never tells itself ‘I’ll stop growing after I reach a certain height’.